Freemasonry ... a beautiful system of morality ... veiled in allegory ... illustrated in symbols.

The thought for a daylight masonic lodge in the North Alabama area rested in the mind of several Master Masons for many years. Perhaps decades. There was no daylight masonic lodge in the State of Alabama. The Brothers believed a daylight masonic lodge was needed. They would occasionally meet and discuss the idea.

Late in the 2017-2018 Masonic year, discussions about a daylight masonic lodge became more frequent, more enthusiastic, more focused, more intense. The Brothers were determined to have their daylight masonic lodge and they would soon see it in reality.

The normal topics expected to be discussed in the development of a new lodge were debated by several Brothers excited about being a charter member. Location, meeting days, meeting time, lodge name, officers, dues, by-laws, Grand Lodge involvement, etc. The Brothers were comforted by the knowledge that support and guidance from the Grand Lodge of F.&A.M. of the State of Alabama was readily available and eagerly provided.

Since Huntsville, Alabama is home to many agencies supporting the military and space programs, the Brothers agreed that the Lodge name should reflect an association with the space program. Several names were proposed with ‘Challenger’ and ‘Endeavor’ generating much interest.

‘Endeavor’ was selected.

Endeavor Day-Lodge #934 was on the horizon!

Endeavor Day-Lodge #934 received its dispensation from the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of F.&A.M. of the State of Alabama on August 6, 2018.

The Lodge was chartered by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of F.&A.M. of the State of Alabama on November 13, 2018. There were 28 charter members.

The Lodge was Consecrated, Dedicated, and Constituted by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of F.&A.M. of the State of Alabama on February 2, 2019.

Masonic year 2021-2022 was especially exciting for the Brothers. Several actions were taken that enhanced Lodge governance and function. On 1 November 2021, the Brothers approved and adopted ‘The Endeavor Message’.

The Endeavor Message:

Learn it …
Love it …
Live it …
‘Be a better man.’

Lodge membership grew. However, membership declined by the end of April 2024. The death of five Brothers was the primary factor contributing to the attrition.
Earlier in the year a 93 year old Brother with over 70 years in Freemasonry laid down his working tools of life.
In May 2024 the Lodge implemented an aggressive community support program intended to promote the Lodge and increase membership.
In September 2024, a Worshipful Brother (Charter Member) was recognized as a 60 year Mason and a Brother (member of Solar Lodge #914) was presented the Grand Lodge 50 Year Award.  
A review of the membership statistics in September 2024 revealed the oldest Brother was 90. The youngest was 34. Average age was 68.9 years. 


 More historical points of interest will be added soon.


The Daylight Lodge of Alabama

Copyright, 2023, Endeavor Day-Lodge #934 F.&A.M.