Freemasonry ... a beautiful system of morality ... veiled in allegory ... illustrated in symbols.

In the Good of the Order portion of our Regular Communication we have our ‘Better-man Segment’.
We discuss Masonic topics that are relevant to The Endeavor Message. 


The Endeavor Message:
 ‘Freemasonry … Learn It … Love It … Live It … Be a Better Man’
is presented elsewhere on this site. 


A topic discussed during a recent ‘Better-man Segment’ was ‘The Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea, and Freemasonry’.


The topic discussed at our most recent ‘Better-man Segment’ was … ‘The four Cardinal Virtues … Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice’.

The Daylight Lodge of Alabama
Copyright, 2023, Endeavor Day-Lodge #934 F.&A.M.